BTME 2019
Once again BTME was a great success for Belchim UK. With over 7000 attendees our stand was always busy.
Our amenity specialists were on hand to answer questions and support our amenity product range.
Our well established flazasulfuron products Chikara® Weed Control (25%ww flazasulfuron) and Katana® (25% ww flazasulfuron) were on some visitor’s minds but it was the glyphosate story that was generally a common topic of conversation. There was incredible interest in Belchim’s alternative natural origin herbicide Katoun Gold® (500g/L pelargonic acid).
Katoun Gold is a non-selective herbicide for use on land not intended to bear vegetation, permeable surfaces over lying soil including gravel pathways, amenity vegetation (around), forest nursery and hardy ornamental plant production.
This year has seen the launch of Enclean® surface cleaner containing 500 g/L nonanoic acid). Belchim’s amenity experts were happy to talk about the wide and varied uses for this versatile product.
We are always available to answer further technical enquiries. Please contact William Weld or Ian Collett on 01480 403333
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