Water Volume Table

ProductMAPP No. Applicable CropsMinimum
water volume for maximum dose*
Maximum dose
in 100L water
Label parameter for any restrictionSpray Quality**Buffer zone
Albis19410Potato200 L/ha0.2 L weed control; 0.4 L desiccation 3Medium5m aquatic
Alcoban18151Apples and Pears200 L/ha0.25 kg2,3,4,5Not specified30m aquatic
Barley, durum wheat, rye, triticale, wheat110 L/ha0.9 L4Medium5m aquatic
Artina EC18680Oilseed rape90 L/ha0.8 L4Medium5m aquatic
Combining pea, field bean, lupin, vining pea90 L/ha0.8 L4Medium5m aquatic
Atilla16026Pear200 L/haNo recommendation1Not specifiedNone
Botiga19759Forage and grain maize200 L/ha0.5 L3Fine to Medium5m aquatic
Chaco18783Winter oilseed rape200 L/ha0.35 L1MediumNone
Chikara weed control14189Non crop & amenity around150 L/haNo recommendation4Medium5m aquatic
Wheat, barley, rye, oats and triticale200 L/haNo recommendation1Medium5m aquatic
Combining peas, fresh peas (vining, garden, sugar snap, mange tout), field beans, lupins200 L/haNo recommendation1Medium5m aquatic
Broad beans, fresh beans (green bean) 150 L/haNo recommendation1Medium5m aquatic
Bulb onions, garlic, shallot, leek, carrot200 L/haNo recommendation1Medium5m aquatic
Asparagus (outdoor)600 L/ha (tractor-mounted); 200 L/ha (hand-held sprayer) No recommendation1Medium5m aquatic
Conclude AZT 250 SC18440Brussels sprout, cabbage, cauliflower, kale (winter greens), collards (spring greens), broccoli, calabrese (all outdoor)250 L/haNo recommendation1Medium5m aquatic
Strawberry (outdoor)300 L/haNo recommendation1Medium5m aquatic
Strawberry (protected)100 L/haNo recommendation1Medium5m aquatic
Lettuce, endive (including frisee, escarole), chicory (radicchio) (outdoor & protected) 300 L/haNo recommendation1Medium5m aquatic
potato (in-furrow)50 L/ha****No recommendation1Not specified5m aquatic
potato (foliar spray)200 L/haNo recommendation1Medium5m aquatic
Winter & spring Oilseed rape200 L/haNo recommendation1Medium5m aquatic
Winter wheat100 L/ha0.75 L3, 4Medium
(Fine at 100 L/ha)
Coupon19123Winter triticale, winter rye, winter barley100 L/ha1.0 L3, 4Medium
(Fine at 100 L/ha)
Spring barley100 L/ha0.5 L3, 4Medium
(Fine at 100 L/ha)
Cymax19045Potatoes200 L/ha1.25 kg4 & 5Medium5m aquatic; avoid 5m NTI/NTAs
Cymbal 4516647Seed and ware potatoes182 L/ha0.125 kg5MediumNone
Cymozeb18085Potatoes200 L/ha1.25 kg4 & 5Medium5m aquatic; avoid 5m NTI/NTAs
Winter wheat200 L/ha0.3 L1Medium5m aquatic
Winter & Spring OSR200 L/ha0.5 L1Medium5m aquatic
Difcor 250 EC13917Brussels sprout400 L/ha0.3 L1Medium5m aquatic
Cabbage400 L/ha0.3 L1Medium5m aquatic
Cauliflower400 L/ha0.3 L1Medium5m aquatic
Broccoli/calabrese400 L/ha0.3 L1Medium5m aquatic
Difference16129Apples and Pears200 L/ha0.2 L1Medium20m aquatic
Winter barley, winter wheat200 L/ha0.125 L4Medium8m aquatic
Diflanil 500 SC17024Winter rye, triticale200 L/ha0.1 L4Medium8m aquatic
Spring barley200 L/ha0.0625 L4Medium7m aquatic
Diva17774Forage maize, grain maize200 L/ha0.375 L4Fine to Medium12m aquatic with DRT
Drum16750Seed and ware potatoes182 L/ha0.125 kg5MediumNone
Fornet 6 OD15891Forage and grain maize100 L/ha0.75 L1Medium5m aquatic
Fornet 6 OD19520Forage and grain maize100 L/ha0.75 L1Medium5m aquatic
Winter barley, winter wheat150 L/ha1.33 L4Medium5m aquatic
Durum wheat, winter oats, rye, triticale150 L/ha0.66 L4Medium5m aquatic
Gal-Gone17505Spring barley, spring wheat, spring oats150 L/ha0.5 L4Medium5m aquatic
Forage maize150 L/ha0.66 L4Medium5m aquatic
Grassland150 L/ha1.33 L4Medium5m aquatic
Gibb 317013Pear110 L/ha12 tablets1Not specifiedNone
Gibb Plus17251Apple, pear, quince200 L/ha0.25 L5Not specifiedNone
Globaryll 10016097AppleDependent on tree size, refer to labelNo recommendation3,4Not specifiedNone
PearDependent on tree size, refer to labelNo recommendation3,4Not specifiedNone
Glosset SC19265Winter wheat, winter barley, winter rye, winter triticale 200 L/ha0.4 L1Medium8m aquatic
Glotron 700 SC17308Sugar beet, fodder beet, red beet, mangels 80 L/ha2.0 L4Fine-MediumNone
Gozai17381Potato200 L/ha0.2 L weed control; 0.4 L desiccation 3Medium5m aquatic
Gyo17875Forage maize, grain maize200 L/ha0.375 L4Fine to Medium12m aquatic with DRT
Inigo16933Potato200 L/ha2.0 L4MediumNone
Kabuki18187Potato200 L/ha0.2 L weed control; 0.4 L desiccation 3Medium5m aquatic
Katana 16162Non crop & amenity around150 L/haNo recommendation4Medium5m aquatic
Katoun Gold17879Amenity vegetation (around), forest nursery, natural surfaces not intended to bear vegetation, hardy ornamental plant production, permeable surfaces overlying soil200 L/haNo recommendation1Medium to CoarseAvoid 5m NTI/NTAs
Kix17424Potatoes100 L/ha0.5 L1Medium5m aquatic; avoid 5m NTI/NTAs
Kunshi16991Potato200 L/ha0.25 kg2 & 4Medium6m aquatic with DRT; avoid 5m NTI/NTAs
Lentagran WP19474Bulb onion100 L/ha2.0 kg1Fine5m aquatic
Brussels sprout100 L/ha2.0 kg1Fine5m aquatic
Cabbage100 L/ha2.0 kg1Fine5m aquatic
Mainman13123Apples, Pears
200 L/ha0.07 kg4N/ANone
Barley, wheat, durum wheat, oats, rye, triticale200 L/haNo recommendation3Not specified5m aquatic, respect 5m NTAs
Oilseed rape200 L/haNo recommendation3Not specified5m aquatic, avoid 5m NTAs
Field beans, combining peas 200 L/haNo recommendation3Not specified5m aquatic, avoid 5m NTAs
Markate 5013529Edible podded peas, vining peas200 L/haNo recommendation3Not specified5m aquatic, avoid 5m NTAs
Sugar beet200 L/haNo recommendation3Not specified5m aquatic, avoid 5m NTAs
Potato400 L/haNo recommendation3Not specified5m aquatic, avoid 5m NTAs
Pear200 L/haNo recommendation3Not specified25m aquatic
Lettuce 400 L/haNo recommendation3Not specified5m aquatic, avoid 5m NTAs
Metric16720Potatoes200 L/ha0.6 L2 & 4Coarse10m aquatic, respect 5m non-target plant
Moose 800 EC17968Winter wheat, winter barley, potatoes200 L/ha2.5 L4,5Medium5m aquatic
Winter and spring wheat, Durum wheat, rye, triticale, Winter and spring oats200 L/ha0.2 L4 & 5MediumNone
Moxa16105Winter barley200 L/ha0.3 L4 & 5MediumNone
Spring barley200 L/ha0.25 L4 & 5MediumNone
Grassland (seed crop)200 L/ha0.4 L4 & 5MediumNone
Naceto18063Pre-em: Winter wheat, winter barley, winter triticale, winter rye200 L/ha0.4 L1Medium6m aquatic + DRT
Post-em: Winter wheat, winter barley, winter triticale, winter rye200 L/ha0.43 L1Medium6m aquatic + DRT
Narita16210Potatoes100 L/ha0.5 L1Medium5m aquatic; avoid 5m NTI/NTAs
Naspar Extra17038Winter & Spring Oilseed Rape100 L/ha2.0 L4Medium5m aquatic
Nico Pro 4 SC16424Forage maize80 L/ha1.0 L4Medium5m aquatic
Pampa 4 SC17521Forage maize80 L/ha1.0 L4Medium5m aquatic
Parsan Extra17050Winter & Spring Oilseed Rape100 L/ha2.0 L4Medium5m aquatic
Pomax18244Apple, pearDependent on tree size, refer to labelNo recommendation1Not specified20m aquatic
Praxim16871Potato200 L/ha2.0 L4MediumNone
Profilux16125Potatoes200 L/ha1.25 kg4 & 5Medium5m aquatic; avoid 5m NTI/NTAs
Property 180 SC17666Barley, Oats100 L/ha0.5 L1Medium None
Rye, Spelt, Triticale, Wheat100 L/ha0.5 L1MediumNone
Barley, rye, triticale, wheat200 L/ha0.325 L3Medium5m aquatic
Protendo 300 EC19612Winter oilseed rape200 L/ha0.3 L3Medium5m aquatic
Spring oilseed rape200 L/ha0.25 L3Medium5m aquatic
Ranman Top 14753Potatoes200 L/ha0.25 L3MediumNone
Winter oilseed rape (pre-emergence, NOT in tank mixture) 100 L/ha1.5 L4Medium5m aquatic
Rapsan Solo18516Winter oilseed rape (pre-emergence in tank mixture OR post-emergence) 190 L/ha0.79 L4Medium5m aquatic
Spring oilseed rape, transplanted & direct drilled Brussels sprout 190 L/ha***0.79 L4Medium5m aquatic
Ornamental trees, ornamental shrubs190 L/ha***0.79 L4Medium5m aquatic
Roxy 800 EC17859Winter wheat, winter barley, potatoes200 L/ha2.5 L4 & 5Medium5m aquatic
Samson Extra 6%16418Forage and grain maize100 L/ha0.75 L1Medium5m aquatic
Samson Extra 6%19473Forage and grain maize100 L/ha0.75 L1Medium5m aquatic
Shirlan18406Potato200 L/ha200 mL4Medium7m aquatic
Barley, durum wheat, rye, triticale, wheat110 L/ha1.36 L3 & 4Medium5m aquatic
Sirena17103Oilseed rape90 L/ha1.2 L3 & 4Medium5m aquatic
Combining pea, field bean, lupin, vining pea90 L/ha1.2 L3 & 4Medium5m aquatic
Soleto16935Potato200 L/ha2.0 L4MediumNone
Wheat, barley, rye & oats155 L/ha0.645 L3 & 4Medium5m aquatic
Tebucur 25013975Oilseed rape155 L/ha0.645 L3 & 4Medium5m aquatic
Field bean100 L/ha1.0 L3 & 4Medium5m aquatic
Linseed100 L/ha1.0 L3 & 4Medium5m aquatic
Temsa SC18261Forage and grain maize200 L/ha0.75 L3 & 4MediumNone
Potato200 L/haNo recommendation4Medium to fineNone
Winter Wheat150 L/ha93 g4Medium to fineNone
Sugar beet, fodder beet200 L/haNo recommendation4Medium to fineNone
Teppeki 12402Oilseed rape (winter)200 L/haNo recommendation4Medium to fineNone
Brussels sprout, cabbage200 L/haNo recommendation4Medium to fineNone
Vining pea200 L/haNo recommendation4Medium to fineNone
Spring barley, spring oats, triticale, rye150 L/ha93 g4Medium to fineNone
Wheat, barley, rye & oats155 L/ha0.645 L3 & 4Medium5m aquatic
Teson17128Oilseed rape155 L/ha0.645 L3 & 4Medium5m aquatic
Field bean100 L/ha1.0 L3 & 4Medium5m aquatic
Linseed100 L/ha1.0 L3 & 4Medium5m aquatic
Wheat, barley, rye & oats155 L/ha0.645 L3 & 4Medium5m aquatic
Tesoro17222Oilseed rape155 L/ha0.645 L3 & 4Medium5m aquatic
Field bean100 L/ha1.0 L3 & 4Medium5m aquatic
Linseed100 L/ha1.0 L3 & 4Medium5m aquatic
Apple, pear, crab apple 250 L/haNo recommendation1Not specifiedNo aquatic; avoid 5m NTI/NTAs
Blackcurrant (outdoor), redcurrant (outdoor)2000 L/haNo recommendation1Not specifiedNo aquatic; avoid 5m NTI/NTAs
Topenco17539Strawberry (outdoor)300 L/haNo recommendation1Not specifiedNo aquatic; avoid 5m NTI/NTAs
Strawberry (protected)300 L/haNo recommendation1Not specifiedNo aquatic; avoid 5m NTI/NTAs
Table grapes, wine grapes200 L/haNo recommendation1Not specifiedNo aquatic; avoid 5m NTI/NTAs
Wheat, barley, rye & oats155 L/ha0.645 L3Medium5m aquatic
Tubosan17127Oilseed rape155 L/ha0.645 L3 & 4Medium5m aquatic
Field bean100 L/ha1.0 L3 & 4Medium5m aquatic
Linseed100 L/ha1.0 L3 & 4Medium5 m aquatic
Vintec19606Outdoor wine grape100 L/ha200 g2FineNone

1 No water volume reduction restriction
2 States that PPE must be worn when the product is at the dilution ready for use stage
3 Has ‘corrosive’, ‘very toxic’, ‘toxic’ or ‘risk of serious damage to eyes’ on the product label
4 Wear suitable protective gloves when handling contaminated surfaces
5 Minimum application volume specified

NTI/NTA = Non-target insects/non-target arthropods
# = Wheat and barley must not be sprayed with reduced water volumes for cereal aphids after 31 March in year of harvest ## = weeds must be no larger than cotyledon, weed density low to moderate and crop shielding negligible
*Minimum water volume for maximum dose – this volume is derived from a combination of any or all of the following factors:
Code of Practice for Using Plant Protection Products (DEFRA, 2006), Efficacy, Crop safety, Risk assessment
**Spray quality as defined by the British Crop Protection Council (BCPC)
***Use a higher water volume (up to 450 L) where seed beds are not ideal (e.g. slightly cloddy)
****Use specialist in-furrow application equipment

When using any Belchim product in tank mixture with another chemical, always read the product label of both the Belchim Product and the tank mix partner, and apply the most restrictive one when reducing the water volume.

For further product information regarding reduced water volumes, or any other technical advice, please contact Belchim Crop Protection. Belchim Crop Protection cannot guarantee the efficacy of products or compatibility of mixtures applied in reduced volumes and their use is entirely at the growers own risk.

Technical Enquiries: 01480 403333



Terms and conditions

This advisory note is provided by Belchim Crop Protection to give information on the use of reduced water volumes through ground-applicator hydraulic sprayers for the Belchim Crop Protection product range. The contents of this document are for information only and do not constitute any form of recommendation by Belchim Crop Protection.  Any products applied at reduced water volumes are at the users risk with respect to biological efficacy.

Background information

As a result of implementation of the cross compliance requirements (SMR 10), there has been much interest in the use of reduced-volume spraying for plant protection products.  The Code of Practice for Safe Use of Plant Protection Products (January 2006) is an important source of practical advice for farmers and growers on how to use pesticides and plant protection products safely and by doing so, to meet the legal obligations which cover the use of pesticides.  Paragraph 4.6.4 of the Code of Practice (pg 80) provides advice on ground-based reduced-volume spraying (where the concentrate being sprayed is diluted with a lower volume of water than the minimum volume recommended on the label for that dose) as follows:

You should not use reduced-volume spraying if the label (or the relevant notice of approval):

  • bans reduced-volume spraying (for example, if there is a maximum in-use concentration or minimum application volume); or
  • states that PPE must be worn when the product is at the dilution ready for use; or
  • has ‘corrosive’’, ‘very toxic’, ‘toxic’ or ‘risk of serious damage to eyes’ on the product label.

In these situations, you may reduce the volume only if you also reduce the dose of product so that the concentration of the spray solution is no greater than that recommended on the product label.”

Thus any product with any of the above three statements/restrictions on the product label (including the phrase “Wear suitable protective gloves when handling contaminated surfaces”) may be applied at reduced volume but the dose of product must also be reduced accordingly such that the final spray concentration remains the same.

The Code of practice “has a special position in law”.  It states in paragraph 1.4 (pg 17) “If you follow its advice you will be doing enough to keep within the law. But you may be able to work in a different way from the code as long as that way is just as safe”.  This means that a product can still be applied at reduced volume without reducing the dose, provided risk assessments for operator, bystander and worker exposure show that the use is “just as safe”. Risk assessments have been conducted for a number of Belchim products that would otherwise have reduced-volume restrictions under the Code of Practice.

Where products are not subject to any of the above restrictions and can therefore be applied as a reduced-volume spray without reducing the dose*, the Code of practice states:

In all other cases you may choose to apply a pesticide as a reduced-volume spray as long as:

  • the concentration of the ‘reduced-volume’ spray is no greater than 10 times the maximum concentration recommended on the label;
  • you meet all the conditions of the product approval, including the maximum individual dose of the product;
  • you fully understand how to use the spraying equipment and know exactly how to control the spray;
  • you use a spray quality no finer than ‘fine’ for ground-based vehicle-mounted or trailed sprayers and no finer than ‘medium’ for equipment that is hand controlled;
  • you have assessed the risk to human beings (made a COSHH assessment, where appropriate) and the risk to other creatures, plants and the environment (based, where appropriate, on advice from a competent adviser), and made sure that the necessary controls are in place; and
  • your protection measures are at least as good as those shown in annex E (Guidance on using personal protective equipment, pgs 138-140 of Code of Practice)


Belchim Crop Protection Ltd, 1B Fenice Court, Phoenix Park, Eaton Socon, St. Neots, Cambridgeshire PE19 8EW. Telephone 01480 403333